Conoce la agencia de modelos IA: The Clueless

It is a modeling agency that was created in Barcelona by Rubén Cruz and Diana Núñez, and already has its followers on social networks.
October 28 was her first appearance on networks with great success and she has her own name: Aitana López and Maia Lima, her star models and also known as “represented.”
Their profiles appeared on social media a few months ago and Aitana, for example, has more than two hundred thousand followers on Instagram. Her influencer image has been created by artificial intelligence (AI).
According to its creators this was part of their strategy. “We liked the idea that there was doubt about whether they were real or not.” It is not misleading advertising, since the #aimodel hashtag gives it away.
“The funny thing about our models is that they are very real, so we opted for the AI that would have the most realistic result” Rubén Cruz.
The interesting thing is that they have sought this connection of creation based on their lives, developing a personality and a form of communication that captivates the public.
And a new influencer is coming in 2024. Her name will be Laila, a 29-year-old Mexican —Aitana is 25 and Maia is 24. With a less normative body, inspired by curvy models, linked to the foodie world, she will publish recipes, and will be part of the body positive movement