"> Sephora's savings event is here and these are the most sought-after beauty products - Camaleónicas Sephora's savings event is here and these are the most sought-after beauty products - Camaleónicas

Sephora’s savings event is here and these are the most sought-after beauty products

Known as Sephora Savings Event, it offers you an almost infinite range of products to buy at Sephora, being one of the most anticipated events each year.

Through Nov. 6, Sephora Savings Event, loyal Sephora shoppers have exclusive discounts based on their membership level.

Use code TIMETOSAVE until 06/11 as many times as you like!

If you are a Rouge member, you are the first with sales rights and discounts of 20 percent. In turn, VIB members get 15 percent, and Beauty Insiders get 10 percent.

The entire Sephora collection is 30 percent off, regardless of membership level.

Among the most requested and that sell out quickly are these and I, Camaleónicas, (@dannywitko) also recommend you because THEY WORK:

  1. Fenty Skin Lil Butta Dropz Mini Whipped Oil Body Cream Trio.

2. Bobbi Brown Double Ended Long Lasting Waterproof Cream Eyeshadow.

3. Tatcha The Indigo Cleansing Balm Moisturizing Makeup Remover

4. PAT McGRATH LABS PAT McGRATH LABS Sublime Perfection Foundation

5. Benefit Fan Fest Mascara for ultra definition.



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